263 days – 78.394 km – 79 cities 🏘 – 53.266 pictures
263 days – 78.394 km – 79 cities 🏘 – 53.266 pictures I had wonderful 9 month of traveling through America. I started in the USA. Went then through Central America to South America. I did a lot of adventures: – climbed on volcanos, went with an expedition boat to Antarctica, flew to the Easter island on Easter, …I met as well so many nice persons on my trip and spent a wonderful time with them. Thank you very much (no possibility to be lonely).There are still posts missing (it’s a little bit delayed). So you can enjoy more pictures of my trip in the next weeks. – Thank you – Gracias – Danke – Obrigado – #travel #endoftravel #9month #america #backpacking #jorisontour #iceland #unitedstatesofamerica #guatemala #costarica #panama #paraguay #brazil #argentina #uruguay #patagonia #antarctica #chile #bolivia #peru #gracias #thankyou #danke #obrigado