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Kategorie: Instagram-Foto

Advent calender DAY 4🌲: Perito-Moreno-Glaciar – Patagonia – Argentina (Mar 2019)

4. Dezember 2020

Advent calender DAY 4🌲: Perito-Moreno-Glaciar – Patagonia – Argentina (Mar 2019)Der Gletscher Perito-Moreno ist atemberaubend. Es brechen immer wieder Eisbrocken mit einem lauten Knall ab. Ich war an einem sehr sonnigen Tag da und hatte somit einen wunderschönen Ausblick auf den Gletscher.The Perito-Moreno glacier is breathtaking. All the time chunks of ice keep breaking off with a loud bang. I was there on a very sunny day and had a wonderful view on the glacier.#argentina #2019 #peritomoreno #glaciar #ice

Advent calender DAY 3🌲: Torres del Paine – Patagonia – Chile (Mar 2019)

3. Dezember 2020

Advent calender DAY 3🌲: Torres del Paine – Patagonia – Chile (Mar 2019)The Torres del Paine National Park is a very famous stop in Patagonia . There are many hiking trails in the park. One leads to the "Torres del Paine" (mountain formation in the background). Here is one of my thousand jump pictures #chile #2019 #torresdelpaine #hinking #jump


Advent calender DAY 2🌲: Hot Springs – Pucon – Chile (Apr 2019)

2. Dezember 2020

Advent calender DAY 2🌲: Hot Springs – Pucon – Chile (Apr 2019)Next to Pucon is the active vulcano Villarica. I visited one of the many hot springs in the area. The warm water and the lovely nature were very good for calming down and thinking about my trip so far #chile #2019 #pucon #hotsprings #hotwater


Advent calender DAY 1🌲: Colonia – Uruguay (Feb 2019)

1. Dezember 2020

Advent calender DAY 1🌲: Colonia – Uruguay (Feb 2019)One and a half year ago was the end of my journey through America. I came back with a lot of pictures and impressions, but I forgot to continue posting those pictures. My last online pictures of the trip are from Buenos Aires. That was not the end of the trip.I went by boat to Colonia in Uruguay. I visited a lot of citys in Urugay at the coast and relaxed at the wonderful beaches 🏖️


Wieder onTour nach Laboe

6. November 2020

Mal wieder on-Tour Gestern machte ich einen Tagesausflug mit dem Rad nach Laboe und Umgebung. Das Wetter war traumhaft #kurzausflug #fahrrad #laboe #guteswetter #sonne

263 days – 78.394 km – 79 cities 🏘 – 53.266 pictures

6. November 2020

263 days – 78.394 km – 79 cities 🏘 – 53.266 pictures I had wonderful 9 month of traveling through America. I started in the USA. Went then through Central America to South America. I did a lot of adventures: – climbed on volcanos, went with an expedition boat to Antarctica, flew to the Easter island on Easter, …I met as well so many nice persons on my trip and spent a wonderful time with them. Thank you very much (no possibility to be lonely).There are still posts missing (it’s a little bit delayed). So you can enjoy more pictures of my trip in the next weeks. – Thank you – Gracias – Danke – Obrigado – #travel #endoftravel #9month #america #backpacking #jorisontour #iceland #unitedstatesofamerica #guatemala #costarica #panama #paraguay #brazil #argentina #uruguay #patagonia #antarctica #chile #bolivia #peru #gracias #thankyou #danke #obrigado