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Schlagwort: Paraguay

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🛳Next to Panama City are the Miraflores Locks of the Canal. There is a small museum and a great view on the two “old“ locks. I stayed there around 3 hours and saw 5 ships going through. #panamacanal #miraflores #locks #cruiseship #ship #viewpoint #museum #panamacity #jorisontour #backpacking

18. April 2019

🛳Next to Panama City are the Miraflores Locks of the Canal. There is a small museum and a great view on the two “old“ locks. I stayed there around 3 hours and saw 5 ships going through. #panamacanal #miraflores #locks #cruiseship #ship #viewpoint #museum #panamacity #jorisontour #backpacking
🛳Next to Panama City are the Miraflores Locks of the Canal. There is a small museum and a great view on the two “old“ locks. I stayed there around 3 hours and saw 5 ships going through.  #panamacanal #miraflores #locks #cruiseship #ship #viewpoint #museum #panamacity #jorisontour #backpacking

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I flew from Panama City 🇵🇦 to #Paraguay 🇵🇾. My first stop was in the capital Asuncion. I visited there with @maydoldan_ the district “Loma San Jerónimo“. The houses are all colorful painted , the walkways are very narrow and there is a artistic stairway. #asuncion #paraguay #southamerica #sightseeing #lomasanjeronimo #colorful #houses #cactus #stairway #jorisontour #backpacking

18. April 2019

I flew from Panama City 🇵🇦 to #Paraguay 🇵🇾. My first stop was in the capital Asuncion. I visited there with @maydoldan_ the district “Loma San Jerónimo“. The houses are all colorful painted , the walkways are very narrow and there is a artistic stairway. #asuncion #paraguay #southamerica #sightseeing #lomasanjeronimo #colorful #houses #cactus #stairway #jorisontour #backpacking
I flew from Panama City 🇵🇦 to #Paraguay 🇵🇾. My first stop was in the capital Asuncion. I visited there with @maydoldan_ the district “Loma San Jerónimo“. The houses are all colorful painted  , the walkways are very narrow and there is a artistic stairway. #asuncion #paraguay #southamerica #sightseeing #lomasanjeronimo #colorful #houses #cactus #stairway #jorisontour #backpacking
